

策驰影视第一时间收录《我的心上人》并提供免费在线观看。《我的心上人》上映于 1927年,是一部美国制片出品,的爱情片,对白语言为英语。

  Joe Merrill, son of the millionaire owner of a chain of 5 and 10 cent stores, poses as Joe Grant, and takes a job in the stockroom of one of his father’s stores, to prove that he can be a success without his father’s influence. There he meets stockroom girl Maggie Johnson, and they fall in love. This causes problems, because Mrs. Merrill had planned for her son to marry Millicent Rogers, a high society girl.


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Greta Grineviciute Kestutis Cicenas Pijus Ganusauskas Laima Akstinaite Vaiva Zymante Mantas Barvicius Rimante Valiukaite Ugne Siauciunaite Mantas Stabacinskas Dovile Silkaityte Gediminas Rimeika Matas Dirgincius Pau Cólera Isabel Naveira Tove Skeidsvoll D
